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Family Services

Biograft offers families around the clock access to our personnel who have dedicated much of their lives to the industry. Our Family Service Manager, Kim LeGros, has been committed to donation since 1986. Through personal and professional experiences, she relates to the mindset of grief and the process of donation. Sarah Buxton, Biograft’s Family Service Coordinator, has a passion for donation and years of experience. Our Biograft team strives to bring comfort to each and every family member that they come into contact with.

Biograft donor families are offered the following:

•Education on tissue donation
•Grief Support
•Memory Boxes


As twilight fell, and dark drew nigh

I left a gift as I passed by

Perhaps not one that all can see

But one that bears my legacy.

Maybe a heart now beats with ease

A boy can play and climb in trees

I hope someone lives without pain

Or a man can see his wife again.

To live a life is great indeed

To love, laugh, help those in need

But giving life that scatters abroad

Is to say you’ve touched the face of God.

Justin LeGros

Liver Transplant Recipient


Family Services: Welcome
Family Services: Homepage_about
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